All WordPress themes and plugins offered by WP THEMES are licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). This license ensures that you have the freedom to use, modify, and share our products while respecting the same rights for others.

What is the GPL?

The GNU General Public License (GPL) is a widely used free software license that guarantees end users the freedom to run, study, share, and modify the software. Under the GPL, you are free to:

  1. Use: You can use our themes and plugins for personal or commercial projects without restrictions.
  2. Modify: You are allowed to modify the code to suit your needs. This includes customizing the design or functionality of our products.
  3. Distribute: You can share our themes and plugins with others. If you distribute modified versions, you must also distribute the source code and keep the GPL license intact.
  4. Redistribute: If you wish to share our themes or plugins, you can do so, provided that you comply with the terms of the GPL.

Your Responsibilities

While you have the freedom to use, modify, and distribute our products, you must:

  • Provide Attribution: If you redistribute our themes or plugins, you must credit WP THEMES as the original creator.
  • Retain License: Ensure that any distributed modifications are also licensed under the GPL.
  • Comply with Third-Party Licenses: Some themes or plugins may include third-party components that are subject to their own licenses. Please review and adhere to these terms.


While we strive to provide high-quality products, WP THEMES makes no warranties about the suitability of our themes or plugins for any specific purpose. We are not liable for any issues that arise from the use of our products.

Changes to This License

WP THEMES reserves the right to update this GPL License page at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding the GPL License or our products, please contact us at:
